
這次Quincy JonesLionel Richie決定把we are the world重新錄製,來幫助海地。一首85年為了非洲饑荒而寫的歌,一首98%都是由mj一人創作的歌曲(不瞭解的可以去聽下網上流傳的所謂的mj獨唱版,就是mjwe are the world demo。而如果你想知道Lionel Richie對這首歌的貢獻,建議你再聽聽群星合唱版。裏面不同之處,就是Lionel Richie對這首歌的貢獻)。mj不在乎這些虛名,誰付出的更多,他只在乎是否能幫助非洲的難民。所以Quincy JonesLionel Richie得到了相同的credit。而在Quincy Jones的狂妄自大面前,這首歌變成了他自己的產品。這次Quincy Jones決定再次錄製這首歌曲,讓很多人質疑既然他認為自己這麼了不起,這麼有才華,為什麼自己不為海地災民再寫首新歌呢?為什麼要用過去mj為非洲難民寫的歌呢?更過分的事,Quincy Jones又請了新的歌手,改了we are the world的歌詞;同時新版將不保留mj的演唱部分,聲稱這次將全部啟用新的歌手。據美國媒體報導,因為Quincy Jones改了《世界一家》的歌詞,導致很多一線歌手拒絕加入, 他們認為這是對邁克爾傑克遜,對原版的不尊重。而這次格萊美的熱門歌手碧昂斯,泰勒,lady gaga等都沒有加入。這次Quincy Jones找來的新版“we are the world"的歌手,竟然包括多名在mj生前公開侮辱和嘲笑他的藝人。

Quincy Jones
mj生前和死後都對他進行公開侮辱貶低。最讓人不恥的是,在mj去世後,626Quincy Jones竟然在電視上嘲笑mj的臉。他也曾表示“mj想做白人,因為他的孩子都是白人(在說mj的時候,他應該回去先看看他自己生的白人孩子)。現在因為全世界對mj孩子們的喜歡,讚賞和關注。Quincy Jones要讓這些他曾經嘲笑過的白人孩子們在新版“we are the world"裏朗誦詩歌。所有不知道Quincy Jones是怎麼侮辱mj的,可以看看這個視頻,在MJ去世後626日,他是怎麼嘲笑mj的: 翻譯在下麵)

mj生前侮辱他是戀童癖,嘲笑mj的傷痛,在當時對mj造成了極大的傷害。他還聲稱mj已經過時,他才是新的流行音樂之王。這個在自己的歌曲裏唱我同我媽媽做愛,生出的孩子不知該成為兄弟還是兒子的人,現在被Quincy Jones邀請來演唱mj“we are the world"

Lil Wayne

兄弟迪士尼包裝捧紅的明星。在mj生前,公開諷刺mj “我們可以與mj合作,但是必須要放堵牆在我們之間。現在mj去世了,馬上變了個嘴臉,又尊重"崇拜的。

昆西在mj去世後(626日)接受了很多採訪, 這是其中的一個。

Q: You were there to witness the strange evolution in Michael's appearance. Did you ever step in and saying anything about it?
A: Oh, we talked about it all the time. But he'd come up with, "Man, I promise you I have this disease," and so forth, and "I have a blister on my lungs," and all that kind of b.s. It's hard, because Michael's a Virgo, man—he's very set in his ways. You can't talk him out of it. Chemical peels and all that stuff.
Q: Did you believe him about the disease?
A: I don't believe in any of that bullish, no. No. Never. I've been around junkies and stuff all my life. I've heard every excuse.
昆西:我不相信任何那些鬼話,不,不,永遠不。我經歷了一輩子這樣的垃圾事情。 我聽到過各種藉口。
Q: But it must've been so disturbing to see Michael's face turn into what it turned into.
A: It's ridiculous, man! Chemical peels and all of it. And I don't understand it. But he obviously didn't want to be black.
昆西:你知道,那太荒唐了! 化學換膚和那一切。我不明白。他顯然不想成為黑人。
Q: Is that what it was?
A: Well, what do you think? You see his kids?










(注:看到有些人回帖裏,不理解為什麼Quincy Jones會這麼對待mj。原因很簡單,就是mj一直說的嫉妒。在與mj合作時,昆西對mj的評價一直很高,稱他為天才。但是自從mjdangerous專輯沒有請他,昆西就開始說mj的壞話。在當時的一次採訪裏,昆西還酸酸地說,mjteddy Riley的酬勞是他的五倍。從那之後,昆西談論mj的時候,就開始說他漂白皮膚,想做白人,沒什麼才華等等。另一個方面就是昆西的自大,他認為自己才是真正的天才,沒有他mj就什麼也不是。昆西的自我膨脹讓他看不到,mj的成功是因為他自己的音樂,他的mtv,他自己的天才還有他的創新的視野。請問有多少人聽過昆西製作的其他歌手的專輯?有多少人聽過昆西寫的歌?)

December 16, 2008 - 5:27 PM
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Quincy Jones is sad to see what's happened to Michael Jackson's career.
Jackson hasn't released a CD of new music in seven years. Jones produced "Thriller." He saw what Jackson could do. Now, he hopes that Jackson will make a comeback after he comes "to grips with a lot of things in himself." Jones also reveals that he's spoken with Jackson about what he's done to his face. He says Jackson "used to apologize" to him about it all the time. But Jones says he didn't feel he could pressure Jackson because "that's a very personal decision." Jones is out with an autobiographical book called "The Complete Quincy Jones."

About the same story:

Quincy Jones Offers His Take On Michael Jackson

Washington, DC -- If you have trouble understanding what's the deal with Michael Jackson, don't feel bad. Some of the people who have spent a lot of time around him can't seem to figure him out, either.

Quincy Jones. He says he's concerned about a lot of things about Jackson over the years, like his face getting lighter and his nose becoming thinner. He said he would often call Jackson on some of that stuff, and Jackson "use to apologize" all the time about what was happening with his face.

So why all the weirdness? Jones suspects that
Jackson has trouble dealing with all the fame. He says going from being a private person to being someone who is known by "everybody on the planet" is hard to deal with. He says one has to be "spiritually centered" to handle it. Jones produced some of Jackson
's most famous music, including the "Thriller" album.

Associated Press


God Will Walk Out of the Room

Caught a little of the Elvis movie on TV. The kid from
Dublin playing him was good; had the moves down.

It got me to thinking about fame and massive success and about how some people can handle it -- and how for others it can be the most destructive thing in the world.

It got me to thinking about Michael -- and how difficult it is to watch what’s going on with him now.

When we made “Thriller”, he was the most beautiful person in the world. Just a beautiful little brother. And you can’t help but wonder if things happened too fast, or does success of this magnitude become emotionally unmanageable?

All I know is that, on their own, human beings are not programmed to be able to handle that much fame, that much adulation, that much success. The only way to deal with something that overwhelming -- even overwhelming success -- is if you are spiritually centered.

If you believe that you deserve all that money and adulation, that’s a problem. If you believe you don’t deserve it, that’s also a problem. And if you don’t understand this, you’re in trouble.

I’ve been in the business 57 years and I’ve seen it over and over again. It’s all about trusting a higher power; believing in divinity. It’s about cause and manifestation. Cause being God’s job, manifestation clearly being our job. The moment success leads you to say, “I’ll take it from here, God,” God’s reply will be, “Be my guest.” And God will walk out of the room.

The only way to navigate that road is to have humility and grace.

Those are the two cardinal rules. You must approach creativity with humility and have grace when you’re blessed with success.



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