由今天開始,我會與大家分享michael最真摰的內心世界,我會把dancing the dream入面我喜歡和想與大家分享的打出來,雖然我的理解未必正是michael想表達的,但我只想憑我自己內心所感受到的意思表達出來,因為我覺得這無關對錯,你看到甚麼那便是甚麼了......
.........Michael Jackson is, indeed, an international favorite for all ages, an incredible force of incredible energy. In the art of music, he is a pacesetter for quality of production, in the vanguard for high standard of entertainment. What is a genius? What is a living legend? What is a megastar? Michael Jackson that's all. And just when you think you know him, he gives you more...
I think he is one of the finest people to hit this planet, and, in my estimation, he is the true King of Pop. Rock and Soul...--------Elizabeth Taylor
這是我很喜歡的一段說話,是Eliz贈給Michael 的,也是最真實最貼切的形容.他就是一個活傳奇, 吸引著世上無數的人,不同年齡,不同階層,不同種族,不同膚色,不同性別,不同國界,不同地域,不同身份,不同地位......
他也是世上最好的人,最善良的人,最偉大的人,最無私的人之一......他不僅是King of Pop. Rock and Soul. 他還是King of Charity, King of Music, King of Trend......
Consciouness expresses itself through creation. This world we live in is the dance of the creation. Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eye but the dance lives on. On many an occasion when I'm dancing, I've felt touched by something scared. In those moments, I've felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exists. I become the stars and the moon. I become the master and the slave. I become the singer and the song. i become the knower and the known. i keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation. The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy.
I keep on dancing and dancing......and dancing, until there is only ...... the dance. --------Michael Jackson
Michale 的一段說話,完全把他自己表達了出來. 他說過,當他在台上的時候,他的腦里心里只剩下音樂,其它甚麼也沒有,他的身體隨著音樂而舞動,這是自然而然的,他是音樂的奴隸,他的身體受音樂所支配."舞者來來去去,但音樂卻留下來..." michael,這也是我想對你說的話呀......你離開了,但你的音樂和舞蹈將會留下來,你給了世人最寶貴的財產!!!
Michael, thank you!!! And I love You most........